Curriculum for Wales

The world is changing and we need new ideas and creative use of technology. To address these challenges, the Welsh Government wants to make sure that your child has the knowledge, skills and experiences they’ll need to make the most of life. Teachers and education experts from across Wales have been working together to develop the Curriculum for Wales.

Welsh Government



Areas Of Learning and Experience (AOLE)

Click on the areas to find out more about each AOLE.


A new curriculum in Wales – a guide for families

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Welsh Government Website For changes to education



Our vision for the new curriculum


At Rhosnesni, the aim of our curriculum is to support our learners to become:

  • ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
  • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
  • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
  • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society


Progression and Assessment

Students will be continually supported and given regular feedback in their lessons to help them make progress.

The curriculum has been built with progression in mind, developing skills and deepening knowledge.

Students will be assessed regularly in a subject-specific way (e.g. a test / piece of work / performance / assessed conversation).

This information will be used to help students make more progress, report to parents and for the school to monitor the progress of students as they travel through the curriculum.

Students will be given a CAT4 test within the first two weeks of arriving at Rhosnesni in Year 7.

Students will receive 2 termly progress updates and one annual progress update in the form of a full written report.


Click the link below

What is CAT4 and how do we use it?



A curriculum that balances intellectual growth and well-being


Our curriculum is disciplinary, meaning students are taught by subject specialists from Year 7 to Year 11. Literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills are essential in enabling learners to realise the four purposes. Our new curriculum will embed the mandatory cross-curricular skills and the integral skills which underpin the four purposes of the curriculum.

Through exploring ‘big questions’, our curriculum will help students achieve the following vision:


Our trial

The new curriculum for Wales will be launched for Year 7 and 8 in September 2023. Ahead of this launch, during the spring term of 2023 we trialled an approach to curriculum design. Across all subject areas, students in Year 7 and 8 explored the theme of cynefin. At Rhosnesni, we are proud of our culture and heritage and feel this should occupy a prominent position in our new curriculum.



Below are some examples of the amazing work that was produced during our cynefin trial.



Big questions

Throughout the academic year, all students in Year 7 and 8 will carry out disciplinary enquiries around the following big questions.  Through the lens of each subject, students will explore the importance of rights and responsibilities, the importance of cynefin, culture and identity and consider why health and well-being are essential.