Key Stage 3 (Years 7 – 9)
The foundation of learning begins with a varied curriculum.
At Key Stage 3 all students study English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh, Religious Studies, Information Technology, Art, Drama, French, Geography, History, Music, Personal and Social Education (PSE), Technology and Physical Education. Literacy and Numeracy are a core focus across the curriculum.
Students are taught in sets for some subjects according to their ability. Those who require extra help receive in-class support or extra tuition from specialist staff in the Special Educational Needs Department which also houses a ‘nurture’ facility for vulnerable students. There are very close links with primary schools and these ensure that students with additional learning needs are provided with the continuity of care and support.
In aiming to ensure equality of opportunity, students with special educational needs are integrated into mainstream classes as much as possible. However, where appropriate, students will be placed in specialist teaching groups in order to address specific learning needs.
Students who are identified as more able and talented are provided with the opportunity to access enhanced study experiences which support their individual needs and ensure that they reach their highest potential. A varied programme of enrichment opportunities complement the curriculum
At the end of the Key Stage, students are teacher assessed in National Curriculum subjects ahead of starting their Pathway Programmes in Year 10 and Year 11.
The Welsh language, traditions and culture of Wales play a significant role in the everyday life of the school and are celebrated through the annual Eisteddfod. Students are encouraged to take great pride in their heritage.
The use of Welsh is encouraged at every opportunity and plays an important role in the delivery of subject areas.