Children have the right to be kept safe from things that could harm their development.


UNCRC Article 36

As a school we recognise that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. The Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of staff in relation to safeguarding duties. All teaching staff, non-teaching staff and governors receive training from the LA authority. In addition, the Designated Safeguard Person will provide timely updates to staff as the need arises.  If staff or visitors to the school have a concern regarding a young person’s wellbeing or at risk of harm they are required to speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.

The Safeguarding Team

At RHS the designated safeguarding team comprises of eight members of staff:

  • Designated Safeguarding Person Lead: Mrs J Fell, Assistant Headteacher, KS4
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Person Lead: Mrs D Payne, Student Wellbeing & LAC Coordinator
  • Designated Safeguard Person: Mr A Brant, Headteacher
  • Designated Safeguard Person: Mr C Whitney-Lang, Assistant Headteacher, KS3
  • Designated Safeguard Person: Mr J Appleton, Progress and Achievement Coordinator/Pastoral Support Year 8
  • Designated Safeguard Person: Mrs G Colley, Progress and Achievement Coordinator/Pastoral Support Year 9
  • Designated Safeguard Person: Mrs T Williams, Progress and Achievement Coordinator/Pastoral Support Year 10
  • Designated Safeguard Person: Mrs A Taylor, Progress and Achievement Coordinator/Pastoral Support Year 11

Safeguarding Policy

Governors complete safeguard training consummate with their role in order to ensure they understand their duties. The Safeguarding policy is reviewed annually and ratified by the governing body.

Safeguarding Procedures

Please access the Parent/Carers Guide to Safeguarding at Rhosnesni High School leaflet (below) in order to explain the procedures and actions taken.

What should I do if I have any concerns?

If this is about your own child, or a child known to you, then contact the school’s Safeguarding Team, or Social Services if your concern is more urgent.

Helpful Links:

  • RHS Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy – please see the policies section of our website for the current policy
  • Childline 24 hour Freephone helpline support for young people at risk or danger 0800 1111
  • Children’s Social Care, Wrexham: 01978 292039
  • Parent/Carers Guide to Safeguarding at Rhosnesni High School
  • NSPCC  0808 800 500