Admission to Year 7 September 2024 – message to families

1st March 2024 – Secondary school allocation day

We are pleased to welcome the parents of our September 2024 intake to our Transition Information page.  Once places have been allocated, Mr Brant will write to all parents and content will be added to this transition page as it becomes available.

If you have not received a notification from the Local Authority about your application to secondary school on 1st March, please contact school admissions directly by email:

This page will be updated regularly with important information relating to your childs’ transition to Secondary School in September 2024. The historical information from 2023 has been left below for reference only and his page will be updated as soon as this years information for September 2024 entry becomes available.

Message from Mrs Anderton-Schofield, Head of Year 7

Welcome to the transition page for Ysgol Rhosnesni High School!

Our student numbers continue to grow and it is wonderful to see so many young people starting their journey at Rhosnesni. We have a dedicated pastoral team who work with families, primary schools and other agencies to ensure a smooth transition to secondary school.

Your child will make a huge leap when moving to secondary school and we will be here for them every step of the way at Ysgol Rhosnesni. Student wellbeing is at the forefront of all that we do, and we are excited to be able to offer some new and exciting transition activities this year.

Please keep checking for information on our transition web page and subscribe to our  school app for school updates. If you have any questions, please contact me using the email address:

We look forward to seeing you in September 2024.

Mrs H Anderton-Schofield, Head of Year 7




July 2024 – Parent Pay Activation / Adding your Child

All new Y7 pupils will need an activation code to enable families to set up their account to purchase school meals in September. To obtain your activation code in advance of September, please email:

In your email please ensure you include your child’s full name, DOB and the name of the secondary school they will be moving to.

Please also see guidance notes below:

Account activationHow to activate your account
Alternatively, please send your child with a packed lunch on 3rd September after which your child will be issued with a letter containing your activation code.


June 2024 – New Intake Evening and Common Transfer Days

We are excited to be able to provide further information to the families of Year 6 student’s joining us in September.

Please take the time to read the important letter below from Mrs Anderton-Schofield which gives the full details of the new intake evening for parents, also the schedule and further information for the 2 consecutive common transfer days.

There is a link within the letter taking you to a form that must be completed if your child is attending the transition days. Please complete and submit the link by Friday 21st June

Letter re New Intake Evening and Common Transfer Days – see Transiton Letter 2024 below.

Note: To accommodate parents who have another child in primary school who need to collect at 3pm, all Year 6 students will finish their transition days at RHS at 2.30pm and they can be collected via the Borras Road gates.

Please do not come to the main reception area.

For safeguarding purposes, it is essential that you indicate on the form whether you will be collecting your child or if they can walk home, either with a sibling, or alone.

We also politely ask that if you are collecting your child by car that you please park safely and courteously and do not block access and driveways of our local neighbours.

September 2024 Intake Information

Once your child has been allocated a place at Rhosnesni we will need to begin to gather information from you to support their transition. When your child’s place has been confirmed by the local authority, we ask that you use the link below to complete the data and consent form that is required before your child starts at Rhosnesni.

Please submit the form after completion. This information will be received directly by the school and used to update your child school records. In addition, if your child has a medical need, please can you complete the Medical Form using the link provided.

Data Consent Form Link 2024

Medical Form Link 2024    Please only complete this if your child has a medical need

We politely request that you ensure that your child’s primary school has a current email address for the primary carer on their school system as this is the method of contact we will use in the first instance.

Please also take the time to read our School Equipment & Uniform Policy and Guidance in advance of purchasing any uniform supplies.  This is available on the Policies section of the school website.  We strongly advise that parents and carers take time to view the Policies section of the school website for other important school policies.

We have created a transition pack for parents and carers which contains all the key guidance and information to support your child starting at Ysgol Rhosnesni High School. This will be updated as information becomes available. Please read through the documents carefully. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Transition Team by emailing:

For general Year 7 transition enquiries/Mrs Anderton-Schofield:

If your child has Additional Learning Needs and you have any questions, please contact Mrs Dokk Olsen, ALNcO:


Parents and Carers’ Transition Pack