Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to thank you for your continued support during what has been an extremely challenging period. 

The impact of the pandemic is still being felt in many Wrexham schools, with staff absence levels at a record high.  Last week, I came extremely close to a decision to place a year group on to remote learning.  Fortunately, with the support and commitment of my colleagues, I was able to keep the school fully open.  However, without our full staff team it has become increasingly difficult to maintain the high standards for which we have become renowned.  

The vast majority of Rhosnesni parents and carers share my ambitious vision for the school.  They believe in traditional expectations relating to smart uniform, punctuality and rule observance.  These families support the school and do not waste our time or undermine our authority.

Regrettably, a small number of our students have been wearing incorrect uniform, infringing jewellery regulations and/or using mobile phones whilst on site.  This must now stop.

From Monday, we will again be sending home students (to get changed) if they arrive incorrectly dressed.  Our uniform policy has been extremely clear for many years and I am not willing to debate our rules with individual parents.  Similarly, the fact that a student has managed to circumnavigate disciplinary consequences in the recent past is no justification for uniform violations.  We have been working hard to keep Rhosnesni open and have not always had the capacity to rigorously check uniform. 

Please make sure that your child’s uniform is fully compliant with our expectations.  Please remind your child that mobile phone use is prohibited at all times whilst on the school site. 

I am incredibly grateful for your support and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Mr A Brant
