Children have the right to be listened to and taken seriously.
UNCRC Article 12
The aim of Rhosnesni High School Council is to provide our students with the opportunity to express their views about the school, learning, the environment and community in a forum where they will be listened to and actions taken where appropriate. At RHS we value the student voice and encouraged them to play a role in the decision making of the school. The School Council provides a formal channel of communication between students, staff and the governing body.
Student Council Structure
School Council representatives are democratically elected to positions and there are two Student Associate Governors who regularly attend Governors’ meetings.
Each Tutor Group elects two Form Tutor Reps, who attend monthly meetings with their Head Of Year. In addition, all reps are allocated to the following sub committees and attend meetings regularly.
- Charity Committee – Led by Mrs J Fell & Mr C Lang , AHT Upper & Lower School
- Eco Committee – Led by Mr A Roberts, Subject Leader, Geography
- Sports Committee – Led by Miss C Hughes, Learning Manager, PE
- Teaching and Learning Committee – Led by Mrs L Evans, AHT, Pedagogy & Professional Learning
- SHRN Committee – Led by Miss S Evans, PSE Coordinator
- Leadership & Peer Mentors Committee – Led by Miss V Brown, DHT and Mrs D Payne, Student Wellbeing Coordinator
- Department Link Committee – Led by Mrs J Fell & Mr C Lang , AHT Upper & Lower School
The introduction of subcommittees has enabled the school to distribute leadership across the school and facilitate the discussion of key areas in greater depth. All committees and meetings are minuted and action plans are devised by students working with staff. During Tutor Time there are designated sessions for students to feedback to their peers.
Student Council Training
Newly elected representatives are provided with the opportunity to engage in training in order to ensure they are fully equipped to undertaken their roles and responsibilities.
Summary of the work of the Student Council
Listed below are the edited highlights of the initiatives and activities our School Council representatives have undertaken from 2018-2021 to benefit the life of the school and some groups of the local community:
- Fundraising events: the School Council has raised over £1000 (2018-2020). The money raised has been distributed to local and national charities including Nightingale House and Macmillan ‘Brave the Shave’. Funds raised to celebrate St David’s Day have been earmarked to develop the school sensory garden.
- School Council Reps have sold raffle tickets, created Christmas hampers and served refreshments at the concert.
Student Council Representatives receive the Healthy School Awards from the Mayor, November 2019.
- Learning walks have been undertaken to examine the school environment. Consequently, the flooring in the Humanities corridor has been replaced, the picnic area was re-painted with the support of a leading supermarket retailer.
- The Student Council Reps, Nurture students and members of the Gardening Club have engaged in a litter pick as part of the ‘Keep Wales Tidy’ initiative. In July 2021, 20 Year 7 students participated in the National Thank You litter pick initiative.
- The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and School Council members have delivered assemblies to the whole school on the issues such as bullying and the environment.
- The school now operates a second-hand uniform /PE donation scheme, based on the suggestions of the school council members.
- The Red Box campaign was launched via the council to tackle period poverty.
- Working in conjunction with WCBC the School Council has trialled a recycling initiative. Reps were filmed discussing their views on social media about reducing single use plastic.
- The Student Council members met the Mayor and received an award in recognition of the school’s work on Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- Canteen staff and council members have met to review the menus, recycling and queuing systems.
- In February 21, reps organised a Random Acts Of Kindness Week, 14th -20th February 2021 and supported the D&T department with the Red Nose Day Bake Off.
- Student Council Reps were actively involved in the discussion regarding the refurbishment of the new school toilets and shelter canopies. Students’ ideas were used to select materials, troubleshoot and select the colour scheme.
- Students have met with the Wellbeing Governor
- The Student Council organised the Mental Health Awareness Week Photography Competition. A short film was created showcasing the fantastic entries and winners! See the Health and Wellbeing Zone section to watch the film.
Every term the ‘You Said, We Did’ newsletter is shared to ensure all students are informed about the work of the Student Council.
It is an absolute pleasure to work alongside our committed and resourceful students on the Student Council.