Education must help children develop their skills and talents to the full.

UNCRC Article 31

“The Rhosnesni Way” is built on the core values of Respect, Honesty and Success. We are proud of our high expectations, discipline and teamwork. Our rewards system seeks to encourage, celebrate and reward high standards of achievement and effort. The system reflects our aspirational culture, develops a sense of community and enhances students’ sense of confidence.

Overview of Rewards Structure

· Verbal praise in lessons

· Attitude to Learning grades 1 and/or 2 awarded in lessons

· Fortnightly texts to parents/carers for highest number of AtLs in the year

· “Good News” phone call home every month

· Half term and termly attendance rewards

· Termly Gold, Silver and Bronze awards linked to AtLs , including Top Students, Most Improved Students and Best Form Group

· Department Awards

· Head Teacher Commendations

· Invite to meet with the Governors and HT

· RHS Rewards to acknowledge work in the community or representing the school in a competition, event or team activity.

Every year, we host an Annual Achievement Evenings at Glyndwr University to publicly celebrate with parents/carers, students, staff and governors the fantastic efforts and achievements of our students. Unfortunately, due to current Covid restrictions we have been unable to host this event. However, please click into the link below to view the “Summer Celebration of Success, July 2021