At RHS we value the importance of emotional and physical wellbeing of our students. The purpose of this section is to further support our students’ learning experiences in lessons, assemblies, designated PSE lessons and during Form Tutor time. The advice and guidance are drawn from a range of sources including local services and national organisations. Students are encouraged to access this information below and take responsibility for their wellbeing as they prepare for the working world.
- Bereavement (Guide for Parents and Carers)
- Bereavement (Guide for Children and Young People)
- Bullying
- Covid 19
- Exams and Revision
- Home Learning
- Internet Safety
- Mental Health Toolkit
- Self Harm Distraction Techniques
- Safeguarding at Rhosnesni High School
- Parent Guide to Child Protection at RHS
- Cyrsiau Solihull Courses
- Mental health App
- Sleep
- Mindfulness
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Mental Health Wellbeing Week
- Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing
Furthermore, we are committed to safeguarding and protecting all students in our care. The school safeguarding policy is specifically designed to keep our students as safe as possible.
What should I do if I have any concerns?
If this is about your own child, or a child known to you, then contact the school’s Safeguarding Team, or Social Services if your concern is more urgent. We have produced a leaflet to support our families.
The safeguarding team in school are: Mrs D Payne – Student Wellbeing Coordinator and Designated Safeguarding Person (Deputy), Mrs J Fell Assistant Headteacher (DSP), Mr C Whitney-Lang, Mrs A Taylor (Progress and Achievement Coordinator), Mr J Appleton (Progress and Achievement Coordinator) and Mr A Brant (Headteacher).
Helpful Links:
- RHS Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy – Please see the Policies section for the current version
- Childline 24 hour Freephone helpline support for young people at risk or danger 0800 1111.
- Children’s Social Care, Wrexham: 01978 292039
- Parent/Carers Guide to Safeguarding at Rhosnesni High School
- NSPCC 0808 800 500