Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child.
UNCRC Article 3
The pastoral system at Rhosnesni High School aims to equip students with the basic skills, experiences, knowledge and attitudes that are required for work and leisure in a rapidly developing society. Our intention is to enable all of our students to be prepared to be active, confident and responsible members of society. At Rhosnesni High School students become progressively responsible for their own personal and social development and their own health and academic education. Students can feel confident that they are known, safe, valued and respected, whilst able to call upon key members of the pastoral team should they need to do so.
The Pastoral Team is overseen by the Assistant Headteachers for Values and Standards. Each year group has a Head of Year who takes specific care of their year group alongside a team of Form Tutors. The Form Tutor will be the person a student will see each day and will get to know each child well. They should be the first point of contact for parents should a concern arise.
There may be circumstances which arise for which the Pastoral Team requires the expert support and advice of other professionals. For this reason there are close internal links with the school’s ALNCO, Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Youth Workers and other external agencies.
Pastoral Team
- Head of Year 7 – Miss H Anderton
- Head of Year 8 – Mr D McAdam
- Head of Year 9 – Miss T Flackett
- Head of Year 10 – Mr T Clarke
- Head of Year 11 – Mrs C Drummond