5th February 2024 – WCBC School Meals Price Increase

Changes to school meal prices

We have received the message below from the WCBC School Meals Team and been asked to pass this message on to our families:

Please be aware that the cost of a school meal will increase from £2.65 to £2.80.  The price of other menu items will be subject to equivalent increases.  Cllr Phil Wynn, Lead Member for Education, said: “Whilst Secondary school meal prices had remained unchanged since September 2019 when they increased from £2.40 to £2.45, we reviewed costs and implemented an increase to £2.65 for September 2023.

Further increase in costs and budget challenges have resulted in further review to increase Secondary school meal prices to £2.80 with effect 1 April 2024.

“Unfortunately we can no longer afford to fully absorb these on-going cost increases. This price increase is in line with inflation, however, we try to protect pupils and parents against the full impact of rising food costs. The “meal of the day” option still offers good value for money and even after this increase, the price of a secondary school meal in Wrexham remains in line with those of other local authorities in north Wales. However, if you are struggling to meet your household costs, please visit Wrexham Council’s ‘help with the cost of living’ pages for advice on any other help you may be able to access.‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​”


16th May 2022 – WCBC School meals update

We have been advised by the School Meals Service that our school canteen is now accepting orders directly from students either before school or at breaktime.  Students who do not wish to pre order can go to the counter to purchase meals, snacks and drinks.

We ask that you ensure that your child’s online account is topped up in advance using the Parent Pay system.

Note: From Monday 15th March 2021, no cash/cheques will be accepted in school as payment for meals/snacks.

If you have any queries about payment please contact the school meals team directly through the Wrexham Council Contact Centre.