External support and information for our TRAC students, or anyone else who is feeling particularly anxious.
Samaritans – 116 123
Childline – 0800 1111
Papyrus – 0800 0684141
Mind – 0300 304 7000
As well as helplines and/or text/email support many of these websites have excellent self-care information and resources. Also, Young Wrexham will be updating their site regularly so lots of support is still available for those that may need it still.
Year 11 Careers Wales support – If you wish to contact Careers Wales for any further advice please visit the Careers Wales website. Students who wish to speak to the schools Careers Wales adviser can email linda.palmer@careerswales.com or text on 07468 755892.
We offer support to all of our students in school. In the first instance you, or the student can speak the Head of Year. Mrs Payne, Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator is also available in school and can assist with referrals, she is also the first point of contact for Young Carers.
If your child has ALN, please contact Mrs Dokk-Olson, ALNCO for support/advice.
We have a team of Youth Workers based in school.