Dear Parent/Carer,
Croeso a diolch yn fawr iawn
I am writing to welcome our new Rhosnesni families following an extremely busy and productive beginning of term. Students have now been in school for over two weeks and we have already witnessed some brilliant artistic, sporting and academic achievements. Please keep checking our social media posts, where we try to showcase the fantastic work of our young people and staff members.
GCSE Results 2023
You will have seen in the local press that we achieved another set of outstanding GCSE results in a number of important indicators. Whilst exam grades shouldn’t define a child’s educational experience or journey, we do believe that qualifications and measurable outcomes are incredibly important for all of our learners. It was fabulous to receive so much positive feedback from parents and students in relation to examination performance this year. It makes the hard work seem worthwhile when we see our Year 11 leavers smiling, laughing and celebrating together.
Uniform Standards
Regrettably, the caring decision we took during the summer term, to relax uniform rules, has resulted in a lowering of standards. This will not be permitted or ignored. Some young people will always push boundaries, which is why parental support for the school is absolutely essential. A significant number of students are now attempting to wear additional layers in the place of our compulsory blazer. This is not acceptable. I ask that all parents repeatedly remind their child of our important rules and expectations.
Teaching and Learning
As the school continues to grow in size, we have strengthened our remarkable team of specialist subject teachers and I encourage you ask your child what new knowledge, skills or understanding they have acquired each day. I am often amazed when I see the difficulty and complexity of the tasks that many of our students are tackling with confidence and enthusiasm. It is, therefore, unsurprising that so many of our students leave Year 11 with 5 or more A* or A grades at GCSE.
Every year, I stress the importance of reducing traffic risks for our youngsters as they arrive and leave school site. Students are free to leave from the Rhosnesni, Holt and Borras gates at 3.00pm. We ask that parents do not drop-off or collect their children near these gates. Parents and carers who park in close proximity to the school inadvertently endanger those attempting to cross roads. Illegal and/or inconsiderate parking also causes distress to our local residents. I thank you in anticipation of your support and understanding.
Again, I would like to thank you for your invaluable support and encouragement as we power through the new school year. Only by working together can we continue to make Rhosnesni a successful, popular and thriving school.
Mr A Brant