Uniform Standards
Please can you ensure that your child is wearing the correct Rhosnesni uniform. Skinny trousers, knee high/over the knee socks and trainer style socks are not permitted.  Skirts must knee length. Synthetic nails, gels and false lashes are not appropriate for school, and pose a health and safety risk. The following items are not permitted: facial piercings, necklaces, rings, bracelets or heavy makeup or nail varnish.
Please click into the link below to access the Uniform and information guide for parents/carers. This leaflet provides detailed information about what we constitute to be appropriate. https://rhosnesni-high.wrexham.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Uniform-Guide-and-Information-Guide-2022-2.pdf
Thank you for your on-going support.
Team Rhosnesni