Key Stage 3
Year 7
Year 7 is an exploration of excellent writing, both fiction and non-fiction. Pupils read work from a variety of acclaimed authors and use this to inspire their own creative writing. The key topics covered across the year are: Myths and Legends, Welsh Poets, Shakespeare’s Language and narrative and descriptive writing techniques.
Year 8
As pupils progress into Year 8, they build upon the skills and knowledge that they gained in the previous year. They will cover the skills needed for GCSE Literature and Language; from analysing Short Stories, evaluating techniques that create mood and atmosphere, to researching and writing a persuasive speech utilising persuasive device for effect. Key topics are Macbeth, Poems from Other Cultures and Persuading for Impact.
Year 9
We treat Year 9 as a preparation year for GCSE; therefore, pupils explore the texts that they will study for English Literature in Year 10, as well as practicing the reading and writing skills they will need for GCSE English Language in Year 11. Our key texts are Of Mice and Men, An Inspector Calls and Heroes. Pupils will study a selection of poems by Welsh Poets ready to start their coursework essay and review the themes of Macbeth in order to deepen their understanding of Shakespeare’s language. All Year 9 assessments are marked according to GCSE marking criteria, so that pupils are well prepared for the expectations of KS4.