The department is staffed by:
Miss E. Stanley (Subject Leader)
Mr A. Kulke
Mr J. Williams (Network Manger)
All teachers have responsibility for teaching KS3 and KS4 Computer Science and ICT. Staff are available at break times and most days after school to give help and support to students wanting to improve their work. Throughout the year students will be given the opportunity to become involved in Internet Safer Day, iDEA Award, First Lego Award and Technocamp sessions. We are also fortunate enough to have our own coding room which KS3 will use in some of their lessons.
Year 7
In year 7, emphasis is placed on improving students’ skills, confidence and awareness of Computer Science and ICT. Some of the modules that students complete are:
- Google Classroom
- Digital Learners
- Inside a Computer
- Microbits
- Spreadsheets
Year 8
During Year 8 a greater emphasis is placed on developing students’ capability to solve problems using the software skills they have acquired. Some of the modules that students complete are:
- Digital Learners
- Spreadsheets
- Graphics
- Computational Thinking & Logic
- Small Basic
Year 9
We treat Year 9 as a preparation year for GCSE; therefore students will build on their knowledge from Year 7 and 8 as well as practising their skills in an exam environment. Some of the modules that students complete are:
- Web Design
- Animate CC
- Spreadsheet
- Adobe Photoshop
- Database
- Gamemaker